“If we do not forsake our ideal, the ideal will never forsake us.” ---- M. K. Gandhi
It is with the immense pleasure that I write as the Principal of Minakhan Dr. B. R. Ambedkar College of Education. We are in our 2nd year as focussing on making role model of society. The college has a decent academic atmosphere being situated in the midst of natural beauty of rural area Nimichi, in the district of North 24 Parganas. It is affiliated to the WBUTTEPA and approved by the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE). It is composite institute with Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) and Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed) having two years of training span. Being a training institute both for elementary and secondary education we endeavour to build the foundation of teachers, who are the driving wheels of our nation. As Dr. D. S. Kothari, chairman of Indian Education Commission, truly said, “the class room shapes the future of the Nation”, our mission is to flourish the classroom both by the trained role models to shape the nation in the classroom.
Teachers are the role model of society. Good teachers are an asset to society. They help the students to understand their surroundings, make it possible to expand the boundary of life and influence them to become a useful member of society. To achieve this aim, first of all we need to develop the latent capacities of the trainee teachers who will be guiding and inspiring sources of their future students. The lifelong preparation to be a role model of society begins with an involvement in the activities throughout the year.
The main purpose of education is to safeguard the human values and social heritage. For this educators should carry out their ethical responsibilities. Thus the aim of teacher education courses is the training of the body, mind and spirit. To achieve this the students and the staff members of Minakhan Dr. B. R. Ambedkar College of Education has adopted and practiced the policies and procedure designed to equip trainee teachers with the knowledge, attitudes, teaching techniques and skills to perform their tasks effectively in their professional life.
I am honoured to serve as Principal of MBRACE. It’s truly is a privilege to be a part of an institution where management, teachers and students care for each other and strive to build relationship.
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